



Autumn’s counterpart to sling’s flower-viewing is momiji-gari. Japan’s autumn season hosts a variety of colorful maple trees such as the kaede and momiji varieties, painting gorgeous mountain landscapes and making Japan’s autumn colors among the world’s most beautiful.
Japanese travel wide and far to drink in the beauty of famous momiji landscapes.

Momiji-gari began with the court nobility and gradually became a custom whereby people traveled to renown momiji-gari sites.



Torinoichi / Festival of the rooster
Torinoichi is a festival that occurs at Shinto shrines on set days in November and is also called “Honorable Rooster (Otorisama)”. Originally, it was a festival at Otori Jinja that celebrated the gods of luck and business prosperity, but now it occurs at other shrines too. Festival days occur two or three times November and are known as the “First Rooster””Second Rooster””Third Rooster”in order. On those days,lots of street stalls selling,among other things,bamboo rakes as giid luck charms are set up in the shrine compound.



Moon viewing(Tsukimi)

In Japon,too, on the night of August 15 by the lunar calendar, dumplings offered to the moon, Japanese pampas grass, and seasonal fruits are set out by the window, offered to the moon and the full moon is appreciated.
The prototype of tsunami for the Japanese, who are a framing people , is to liken the moon to a divinity and to pray for abundant subsequent harvests of ripened rice.
That is currently how tsukimi is generally observed.


9月9日は五節句の一つである「重陽の節句」。またの名を「菊の節句」ともいいます。 陰陽思想では奇数は(縁起の良い)陽の数であり、陽数の最高の数が9です。このことから9月9日は、陽が重なる日であることから「重陽」と呼ばれます。

Chrysanthemum Festival(Septebmer 9)
September 9 is known as choyo, literally double yang. Choyo is one of gosekku , the five seasonal festivals and also called as kiku no sekku , Chrysanthemum Festival. According to the yin and yang thought, odd numbers are yang, and its extremity is nine. Therefore September 9 is 9.9 and double yang, double nine.
People used to decorate chrysanthemum and drink sake floating the petal of chrysanthemum to celebrate wishing the long life.



Bon Festival
Bon Festival is a Buddhist event occurring from the 13th to 15th of July or August to hold a memorial service for the spirits of ancestors. Because the spirits of the dead are said to return at this time, fires are lit at the entrances to homes so the spirits do not lose their way, and , in addition to lanterns being lit inside homes, the Buddhist home alters are tidied up and vegetables fruit are set out as offerings.
And when bon is over, the spirits are sent on their way. This is called the escorting of the spirits and fires to send them on their way are lit at entrances of homes and offerings are floated on rivers and the ocean.


七夕は7月7日の夜、天の川に隔てられている牽牛星と織女星が、天帝の許しを得て年に一度会えるという中国の伝説からはじまった星を司る年中行事です。 もとは朝廷の貴族の間で行われていた祭でしたが、江戸時代から一般庶民の間に定着しました。6日の夜には、色とりどりの短冊に願い事を書いたり、歌を書いたりして笹につるし、7日の夜に庭先にだします。

Tanabata(July 7)
Tanabata is the Star Festival that occurs on July 7. It is based on the legend in which Altair and Vega, who are split apart on opposite sides of the Milky Way, are allowed to meet once a year on this night by the Emperor of the universe. Originally a festival carried out among the Court nobility, it has since the Edo Period become established among the people at large. On the night of the 6th, people write their wishes or poems on strips of poetry paper of various colors and hang them on bamboo grass; then, on the night of the 7th, they put them out in the garden.



Tango no Sekku
May 5 is a day for boys. Long the Tango no Sekku, it has been officially renamed Children’s Day and made a national holiday. Families with sons buy armored samurai dolls and miniature helmets, hang out koi-nobori, buy irises and kashiwa-mochi, and pray for their sons’ success in life.
Tango no Sekku used to be a day for hunting game and gathering medicinal herbs, such as iris leaves. Shobu in Japanese, the iris has a homonym meaning “military spirit”, from whence came the Muromachi custom of decorating paper helmets with iris leaves.
Samurai dolls and koi-nobori first appeared in the Edo period, but it was not until the Meiji period that these customs became popular nationwide.


美しく咲いた桜を観賞し楽しむため公園などに出かけることを花見といいます。日本では、3月・4月に桜の花が満開になると、家族や職場の仲間、友人などと一緒に花見をする習慣があります。 桜の木の下にござなどを敷いて酒を飲んだり食事をしたりして春の到来を楽しみます。

Hanami is going out to places such as parks to appreciate and enjoy leisurely the beautiful blooming cherry blossoms. The custom in Japan, in March and April when the cherry blossoms are full bloom, is to do hanami with family,colleagues from work, or friends. People spread a mat under cherry blossoms, drink sake, eat foods,and enjoy the coming of spring.


ひな祭りは、3月3日、女の子の健やかな成長や幸福を願う行事で、桃の節句とも呼ばれます。女の子のいる家庭の多くはひな人形を飾り、桃の花やひなあられ、菱餅、白酒などをひな人形に備えます。 昔は紙で簡単なひな人形を作り、3月3日に川に流していましたが、やがて現在のようなひな人形を飾るようになりました。

Hinamatsuri (the Girl’s Festival) ,occurs on March 3 , is a celebration for families with young girls to pray for their good health and happiness. It is also known as momo no sekku (the Peach Festival). Most homes with girls display dolls for the Doll’s Festival and dedicate to them peach blossoms, rice cake cubes, special coloured and diamond-shaped rice cakes,white sake,and other items.
The origin of hinamatsuri is an ancient practice in which the sin of the body and misfortune are transferred to a doll and washed away by setting the doll in a river to drift away. When this practice spread to Japan, it was linked to girl’s playing with dolls and, in the Edo Period, was developed into the hinamatsuri.


その年の健康・無病息災を祈り、大豆を年の数だけ食べるという習慣もあります。 神社でも大掛かりな豆まきが実施されます。

Setsubun(The eve of the first day of spring)
Setsubun actually signifies the parting of the seasons; especially nowadays it falls on about February 3 , the day before the first day of spring. On the evening of this day, people yell,”Out with the ogre(demon)! In with the happiness!” while scattering parched soy beans inside and outside their homes.
To pray for good health for the year, there is also the custom of eating only the same number of soy beans(called fukumame) as one’s age. At temples and shrines,too,bean scattering is practiced on a grand scale.

On the night of setsubun,the head of a sardine and leaves of holly are displayed at the entrance of houses. It is a charm to drive away the demon with the smell of the sardine and the spiky leaves of the holly.