月別アーカイブ: 10月 2013



Shodo is the art of drawing characters with brush and India ink to express spiritual depth and beauty. Shodo originally came from China, but in Japan,Chinese characters(kanji) were combined with the Japanese syllabary(kana), devised in Japan, to create this unique character art.



Kodo (Incense ceremony)
Incense, along with Buddhism, was introduced into Japan from China(538). At first,it was used in front of Buddhist statues, but it gradually came to be enjoyed independently. In the middle of the Muromachi Period(1333-1573), it deceloped in association with the tea ceremony, and the style of using incense as an independent art was developed.
With Kodo there are several approaches. One can burn aromatic wood and appreciate the fragrance, play a game by judging the relative quality of two linds of incense, or express a theme common to the fragrances of several kinds of burning incense.



Kodo is a traditional Japanese art that has flourished since the sixteenth century. Also called ikebana,its origin is said to date from the sixth century when Buddhist priests offered up flowers before Buddha.
Its fundamental concept is to express the three elements of heaven, earth, and mankind in a balanced composition, using natural flowers.



Sado or cha no yu(tea ceremony)was perfected by Master Sen no Rikyu in the 16th century. It is based on the spirit of Zen anf focuses on pusuing the Japanese “wabi” aesthetic,a simple and calm state of mind.



Kagura is Japanese indigenous sacred music and dance dedicated to the Shinto gods.Kagura performed in the Imperial Court is called “mikagura” and those performed mainly at shrines are called “satokagura”.



Hogaku in the broad sense refers to the music of Japan, but it usually indicates such music as that of shamisen, koto , and shakuhachi,which developed in the modern era , and does not include ancient court music and folks songs.
The general classifications of hogaku can be divided into narrated stories, including ballad drama, and sung or chanted pieces, including long epic songs and little ballads. Both have in common the shamisen as the principal accompanying instrument.


日本舞踊は江戸自体以降、歌舞伎舞踊から発生したもので、長唄、常磐津、清元などの楽曲にあわせて舞います。 現在は、花柳流、藤間流、西川流、岩井流をはじめとする100以上の流派があります。

Nihon buyo
Nihon buyo is classical Japanese dance that developed through kabuki dance.It is performed along with nagauta, tokiwazu ,kiyomoto and so on. Currently , there are more than 100 schools,including the Hanayagi,Fujima ,Nishikawa and Iwai.



Rakugo, a vaudeville performance developed in the Edo Period. The rakugo artist sits on stage on a dais, wearing kimono, and performs his humorous piece solo, with puns and wordplay, usually in the form of a dialogue.
The main feature is applying the “punch line” at the end of the piece. Folding fans and hand towels are used for props. In making these sorts of props come alive, rakugo artists lead the spectators into an imaginative world.



Bunraku is the traditional Japanese puppet theater(ningyo joruri) which is performed with unique narrative chant called joruri(gidayu bushi).Ningyo Joruri is said to have been established around 1600 and flourished mainly in the Osaka area.
Usually, three puppet operators are on stage to manipulate one puppet, but , because of the skill of their movements, spectators are not conscious of the operators.



No / Kyogen
No is a classic theatrical art incorporating music,dances and plays that was established at the beginning of the Muromachi period.It is played by two or more performers wearing colorful costumes and masks. Kyogen is comedic drama that consists mainly of spoken lines.It is performed on the same stage as no but performers usually don’t wear masks.